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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?

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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyDim 9 Sep 2012 - 14:15

U.C. SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 2118391450
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyDim 9 Sep 2012 - 14:16

U.C. SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 2118391450
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyDim 9 Sep 2012 - 14:16

U.C. SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 2118391450
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyDim 9 Sep 2012 - 14:16

C'est à vous maintenant. (:
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyLun 10 Sep 2012 - 13:16

Premiere !!! SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 3808539628
Es ce que c'est possible d'avoir un lien avec la belle Sophia ?
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 6:51

Bethany. I love you Bien sur, tu as une idée ? (:
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 7:31

Non pas vraiment mais elle ont quelques point commun :

Elle vient toutes les deux de New York, elles ont presque le meme age, et etant adolescente Casey a commencer aussi a boire et a faire des betise. Mais tu es infirmiere dans tout?
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 9:40

Ça peut nous aider sur la conception de notre lien. I love you Je peut être la marraine de ton bébé, mdr. (a) À la base, Sio est infirmière urgentiste mais elle touche un peu à tout maintenant étant donné qu'elle se perfectionne pour grimper certains échelons. (:
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 9:45

Ah oui la marraine pourquoi pas!! Mais elle aurait pu ce connaitre a New York toute les deux et si elle se connaisse déjà ( Genre meilleur amie) et bien Casey aurait pu dire a Siobhan qu'elle était enceinte et qu'elle parfait de New York a cause de la relation qu'elle avait avec ses parents.
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 9:55

Je trouve ton idée bellissime. I love you Donc, on part sur meilleures-amies plus comme lien avec la petite ou le petit, marraine/filleul(e) ? (:
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 9:57

Oui tout a fait mais je penche plus sur une fille !! Enfin je verrai quand l'accouchement arrivera lol.
Meilleure Amies et Marraine du bébé SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 3472156054
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 10:11

Super, une mini Casey. I love you On se fait un sujet ? (:
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 10:20

Oui une minie Casey SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 3808539628 Lien ajouté !!
Et je suis partante pour un sujet avec ma meilleure amie bien sur SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? 174200537
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 10:37

Merci, je t'ajouterais lorsque je mettrais en place correctement mon sujet. (: Si tes partante, je te laisse le commencer et où tu veux car je suis en train de bosser en même temps. I love you
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 11:16

D'accord alors je le fait soit chez moi, soit dans la rue soit au parc ou a l'hopital
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMar 11 Sep 2012 - 17:14

Ok. (:
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMer 12 Sep 2012 - 4:37

Moi !!!
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? EmptyMer 12 Sep 2012 - 7:13

Avec plaisir. (: Une idée, une envie ?
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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?   SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ? Empty

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SIOBHAN ◮ All the songs have an end. Is this a reason not to enjoy the music ?

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