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Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear

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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 25 Sep 2010 - 12:59

fiche de rps ❥

rps en cours

Rendez-vous ❥ feat. H. DEVON PHILIPS
Une virée entre meilleure amie ❥ feat. NAOMIE-HELL HOLZER
coffee time with her ❥ feat. L-K. Elíaz Blacksbird
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage
rps en attentes
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage
rps terminés
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage
Nom du topic ❥ feat. nom du personnage

Codage fait par .Jenaa

Dernière édition par S. Chaïma Dowson le Mar 31 Juil 2012 - 23:43, édité 7 fois
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 17:26

      Prénom(s) , Nom(s) Evan J. Cooper
      Qui : N'importe
      Quel endroit ? Idem
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 17:29

pourrais-tu le faire?
hum, l'endroit m'étégale.
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyMer 29 Sep 2010 - 17:43

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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyJeu 30 Sep 2010 - 4:04

merci beaucoup
qui d' autre?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 15 Jan 2011 - 19:12

Allez je re-propose... ( :

Donc qui veux un sujet avec moi ? =)
Je ne mords pas n'ayez pas peur ^^
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyMar 8 Fév 2011 - 0:21

S. Chaïma Dowson a écrit:
Allez je re-propose... ( :

Donc qui veux un sujet avec moi ? =)
Je ne mords pas n'ayez pas peur ^^
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyJeu 26 Avr 2012 - 19:10

Puis-je avoir un sujet avec ma meilleure amie ♥ ?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyJeu 26 Avr 2012 - 21:12

    Avec très grand plaisir, =D Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 174200537 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3808539628 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3832313845 Ca fait longtemps que j'attends d'avoir d'autre sujets. Donc, c'est avec grand plaisir - I love you - mais, où ? & qui le fait ?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyVen 27 Avr 2012 - 5:22

Pourquoi pas au Centre Commercial ? Comme, Naomïe doit se détendre un peu et pensé à elle, aurait pu demander à Chaïma de venir avec elle ?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyVen 27 Avr 2012 - 10:21

    Avec très grand plaisir, =D Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 174200537 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3808539628 Cela me convient tout à fait l'idée, que tu as eus. Disons donc le centre commercial (; Qui s'en occupe, du sujet ?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyVen 27 Avr 2012 - 14:50

Est-ce que tu pourrais le faire s'il te plait ? Si non j'essayerais de le faire entre deux réponse sur mon forum Wink
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyVen 27 Avr 2012 - 18:16

    Je vais m'en charger du sujet, sans problème ;D
    Et te l'enverrais par mp, okay ?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyVen 27 Avr 2012 - 18:32

D'accord, Merci beaucoup Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3808539628
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyVen 27 Avr 2012 - 22:11

Qui d'autre pour un sujet ? Wink tongue Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3832313845
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 28 Avr 2012 - 10:33

Si tu veux plus de sujets, ont peut s'en faire un second en parallèle de celui qu'ont a déjà Razz Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 2889884971
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 28 Avr 2012 - 11:20

    Et bien, tu sais très bien que je ne dirais jamais non à un autre sujet, avec toi XD Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 174200537 I love you Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3808539628 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3472156054
    Mais, où, pourrait-ont le faire ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 28 Avr 2012 - 11:39

super Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3808539628 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 4120714984 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 125769235 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3596227959

Pour le lieu euuh je sais pas trop, ça dépend. Un contexte en tête déjà ? Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 1510611536
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 28 Avr 2012 - 12:00

    Pourquoi dire non, hein ? XD Razz Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 174200537 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 4120714984 I love you
    & en fait, je n'ai pas trop d'idée pour le contexte. Encore endormie Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3472156054 Aurais-tu, une petite idée de contexte, toi ? =D
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 17 Nov 2012 - 18:54

hey Smile
nos topics ont été mit a la corbeille malheureusement, ça te dis d'en refaire un autre ? Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3808539628
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 17 Nov 2012 - 19:43

    Heyyyyyyyyy, chou Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 174200537 ! ... Comme toujours, d'ailleurs Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 2473281379
    Sinon, ça me tenterait pas mal d'en faire un autre XD Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3472156054
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptySam 17 Nov 2012 - 20:10

qui le fait & ou ?
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyDim 18 Nov 2012 - 0:09

    Franchement, aucune idée. Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3160091234 Je n'ai pas trop d'inspiration, en ce moment ;-| Je peux m'en occuper mais, dis-moi, l'endroit ? Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3472156054
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Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear EmptyMar 4 Déc 2012 - 0:50

    Désolée, du double-poste mais, qui voudrait un autre sujet avec moi ? Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3472156054 Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear 3472156054 Je n'en ai plus pour l'instant donc, ça m'aiderait. Very Happy
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MessageSujet: Re: Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear   Chaima  ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear Empty

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Chaima ⇝ I don't need paper to write you these few words from your lips just need to hear

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